Homecheck Application FormPersonal DetailsFull name *House name / Number *Street *Town Postcode *Mobile Phone Phone Number *Email Address *AccomodationType Of House *DetachedSemi DetachedTerracedFlatOtherIs Your Home RentedOwnedOtherOther Adults (eg. Partners, lodgers) Children (including Ages) If your home is rented do you have permission to have pets and can you provide proof YesNoDo you have a securely walled or fenced garden or yard? *YesNoHeight of fence or wall at lowest point (in feet)(anything lower than 6ft WILL NOT pass the homecheck so please ensure this is double checked and completed prior to homecheck if below this height) *AnimalsCurrent Pets (including gender if dogs) Are Doge speyed / neutered? YesNoExperienceDo you have previous experience of Northern Breeds *YesNoPractical IssuesHow many hours would the dog be left alone for each day on average? *What will happen to the length of time once lockdowns have stopped. *IncreaseDescreaseRemain the sameWhere would the dog be kept throughout the day? Where would the dog sleep? If the dog suffers from seperation anxiety, is noisy, destructive etc., would you have ant problems with neighbours or would it be an issue for you? *YesNoPhoto 2 *Please add 2 pictures of your gardenPhoto 1 *Is there a particular dog you are interested in? By clicking submit you acknowledge that REACH Sled Dogs can accept no responsibility if a foster dog injures or kills a cat or other animal while in your care. Do you agree to REACH passing you're details to a registered homechecker? YesNo VerificationPlease enter any two digits *Example: 12This box is for spam protection - <strong>please leave it blank</strong>: